
National Alliance for Caregiving Workplaces Photo

Building Caregiver Heath & Wellness

NAC’s programs have evolved from focused research projects to long-term initiatives aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of caregivers through systemic change. With a focus on health equity, NAC’s programmatic initiatives uplift, advocate, and work to transform the systems that can best support them. Our goal is to create a more equitable and supportive system that recognizes the vital role caregivers play. This focus aligns with NAC’s overall advocacy and policy efforts, creating a comprehensive approach to making caregiving more sustainable, equitable, and dignified.

Elevating Caregiver Voices

Through the “Portraits of Caregiving” project, NAC amplifies the real-life experiences of family caregivers, including from diverse social, cultural, and economic backgrounds. These stories not only highlight individual journeys but also paint a powerful picture of the shared challenges caregivers face including a lack of adequate infrastructure, health and economic inequities, and limited access to support services. NAC translates the lived experience of family caregivers to inform its programmatic, policy, and research initiatives and shift systems in support for caregivers.
National Alliance for Caregiving Innovation Photo
National Alliance for Caregiving Innovation Photo

Cancer Caregiving Collaborative

The Cancer Caregiving Collaborative is comprised of key stakeholders across the cancer continuum including patient advocacy organizations, cancer researchers, and healthcare leaders with personal and professional connections to cancer caregiving. The Collaborative advocates for system changes to promote the integration of family caregivers into the cancer care teams and to ease the financial burden of cancer caregiving.

Transplant Caregiving Project

Family caregivers play a critical role providing support before, during, and after transplantation. Despite this they are under-studied, under-resourced, and under-supported. Our Transplant Caregiver Project is working to address these gaps by conducting research on the experiences and needs of transplant caregivers, collecting and uplifting the stories of transplant caregivers, and developing policy recommendations for improving support for caregivers.
National Alliance for Caregiving Innovation Photo
National Alliance for Caregiving Innovation Photo

Caregiver Resources

NAC offers a range of resources to directly support family caregivers and those who work to empower them. The Circle of Care Guidebook series and Take Care Community website provide practical tools and information for navigating the caregiving journey.

Insights & Reports

NAC reports offer valuable data and insights on the needs of caregivers across the lifespan. These reports can be condition-specific, address the experiences of caregiver populations, or analyze the economic impact of caregiving.

Our Innovation Reports highlight social intervention programs designed to address workplace, healthcare system, and product development challenges faced by caregivers.

Our Spotlight Series provides in-depth analysis on specific challenges impacting family caregivers.

National Alliance for Caregiving Innovation Photo